Saturday, March 28, 2020

Callforce Tutoring Scam - Is It Real Or Fake?

Callforce Tutoring Scam - Is It Real Or Fake?A callforce tutoring scam is something you should be wary of. The company you used may have misled you into thinking that they can deliver the best results for your child and it's only natural to want them to work with your child.Callforce is a company that provides tutoring and other services to those who need it. They have many businesses across the globe and specialize in working with children, teenagers and even adults. Some of their tutors have worked with the Department of Defense and the United States Air Force as well.If you want to work with the Tutor then you will probably hear about various different scammers. Many of these are the ones who actually use the name of callforce tutoring. There are also the ones who will ask for you credit card number over the phone. These scammers typically ask for the same thing from all parents: the chance to meet the Tutor and make sure that the contract has been signed in order to work with the m.The phone call from the Tutor is almost always an advertisement and not an actual person. This is why you need to avoid the scam and use a legitimate tutoring company. However, when you do need to work with a Callforce Tutor you can get in touch with their official website. You will be able to find out more information about their services and even ask questions if you aren't clear about anything.You can also use this website to check if the Tutor you are interested in working with is legitimate. You can find this by checking reviews from customers who have received their services and used them. You can also check out the support page so that you know that your questions have been answered.Some of the tutoring companies will offer personal consultation so that you can learn more about their services and if you feel comfortable with their service then you can contact them to inquire about any further work. These companies are good to work with because they work with the Department of Defense and are not usually a scam at all.When you are deciding to work with callforce tutoring or any other tutoring service, you need to look for a company who has a proven track record. That means not having any problems and not making too many fake Tutors. If you have any doubts then it's worth asking for a more in-depth research about the company and see if it fits your needs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Best Practices for Making Time in Your Schedule for a Job

4 Best Practices for Making Time in Your Schedule for a Job 1. Organize your schedule Crafting a multi-functional  schedule that fits all the things you need to do in a given week takes some practice. After all, if everyone had the natural gift of time management, then it wouldn’t be considered a skill. While you could use some trial and error to find a schedule that works for you, there is an easier way to work in time to study, sleep, go to class, eat, and go to work. The art of schedule-making is learning to make compromises. Unfortunately for you, those compromises will likely include omitting Wine Wednesdays from your weekly agenda, so you can you know study. Plus, you won’t be too hungover to go to work the next day; and by hungover, we all know you mean ‘under the weather.’ Additionally, you should prioritize your needs and desires on a monthly, weekly, or daily basis (depending on your preferences), so reroute your schedule around your personal, academic, and career needs. Most importantly, don’t forget to finagle in some ‘me time’ into your weekly, daily, or whateverly itinerary. Seriously, showing yourself some self-love can help you succeed in your classes, work, and social life. If you’re feeling a bit run down, how can you expect yourself to feel motivated enough to get out of bed for that 8 a.m.? Who are we kidding, it’s a struggle to get yourself out of bed for any early morning class, but you get the point. 2. You don’t need to have everything all at the same time So what’s the ‘all? Well, that’s dependent on what your long-term and immediate aspirations are. While your friends might give you some flak for not being able to go out on a Friday night, if you need to study or need to go to work the next morning, you need to put your priorities before a night out. Your friends will understand. If they don’t, you might want to make some time to make new friends. After all, what friend doesn’t want to see their friends make money and succeed in school or do decent in their courses (we all have those classes)? Regardless, you need to take a page, or several, from Oprah and recognize that you can have it all, just not at once. Everyone’s weekly workload (and course load) differs day to day and week to week. Some weeks you might be able to get an A on a paper, finish all of your work assignments on time, and have time to have a movie marathon with friends. On other weeks, last minute work deadlines could come up, leaving you at work later than usual, which makes you rack in some late night hours. But it’s important that you don’t reminisce on that one week where you could do everything  because this week clearly isn’t that particular week. This week you barely have enough time to work on your course project, but you realize that no grade is worth being sleep deprived. Whereas, on a different day the roles could be reversed. Yes, we all have goals but we can’t have a perfect life or juggle a dozen responsibilities and still expect to be a partially functioning adult. Please, don’t make the excuse that “Sherry has it all;” Sherry probably don’t have it all. Sherry is either on the verge of a debilitating emotional breakdown or she has one part of her ‘perfect life on lockdown from Monday through Thursday. On Friday through Sunday, you have the rest down pat, but Sherry doesn’t have it all down pat. You will have it all, just not all in the same week or even the same month, and that is perfectly okay. 3. Take online classes Online classes get a lot of criticism for not being ‘real’ classes, whatever that means. However, online courses are indeed real classes. If they get you one step closer to wearing that cap and gown, then they’re definitely legitimate credits. Don’t worry, you don’t have to take all of your classes online. Taking one or two courses online won’t necessarily help you magically develop free time. However, a few online classes will give you the freedom to watch virtual lectures, study, and complete assignments and test on your own time, wherever and whenever you want well any time before your deadlines. Having some flexibility in your schedule will save you from stress eating when you find out that you nearly forgot your roomie’s birthday tomorrow and you need to find them a gift ASAP. Thankfully, you just finished your Econ 101 quiz online, and you don’t have to physically go to a lecture tomorrow because you decided to commit to a virtual class. While online courses  allow you to work on your own time, online classes aren’t for everyone. Thankfully, you can still find some comfort in online work. 4. Work remotely While virtual positions might not get the same type of flak as online classes, there’s still a stigma against working remotely. In reality, online jobs are more diverse than just some odd freelance work. Plus, there are some great websites, like WayUp, that make finding online jobs and gigs for online students virtually painless. WayUp is an innovative website that is teaming with virtual jobs in basically every industry. Plus, WayUp has an easy one-click-apply option on a lot of their job postings. Did I mention that this site is completely free to use? WayUp essentially does everything short of applying to jobs for you, though that would be an outstanding update to the website. Regardless, this company is constantly updating its website to ensure that college students and recent college grads get hired. Who knows, maybe WayUp will be the first company to create a virtual reality interview option? After all, phone interviews and video interviews lack face-to-face communication; throwing some VR into the mix will only make the virtual interview process more authentic. On the other hand, a VR interview would force you to put on actual pants during your home interview. On second thought, please don’t start the virtual reality interview trend. We aren’t ready for this technology. Though, you should be ready to take the lead and apply to some online jobs. Just like online courses, online jobs typically make your schedule more pliable, because you can clock in at any hour of the day or night. While you might need some time to get used to working from your home, being able to update an Excel file for your employer and walk two feet to your couch to begin annotating your text is well worth any adjustment period.

Orca Welfare and Safety Act Its Time To End The Cruelty

Orca Welfare and Safety Act It's Time To End The Cruelty image via It’s crazy to think that everything you love about something can be based on a lie. You know what they say: the more you tell a lie, the more you start to believe it yourself. SeaWorld used to be one of my favorite parks to visit. Watching the trainers do mind boggling tricks with the orcas made me want to be a trainer too. I wanted to have that special bond with the animals and know that I was doing some good by taking care of them. But SeaWorld is built on a fragile bubble of lies, and it was only a matter of time before something came along and burst it for the world to see. That something was Blackfish. If you haven’t seen the documentary Blackfish, you need to get on your Netflix account ASAP because it is definitely worth watching. The truth is ugly, and what Blackfish exposed about SeaWorld made people fight back. Blackfish has inspired the making of a new bill, the Orca Welfare and Safety Act, which to SeaWorld’s dismay, is backed up by many. The bill was introduced by State Assembly member Richard Bloom, Dâ€"Santa Monica, and if it passes, it will make it “illegal to hold in captivity, or use, a wild-caught or captive-bred orca for performance or entertainment purposes.” David Kirby, Professional Journalist and author of Death at SeaWorld, said in this article that the bill would also ban “artificial insemination of captive killer whales in California and block the import of orcas or orca semen from other states.” image via The documentary is making people realize how cruel it is to hold these animals captive in tiny pens for their whole lives. They aren’t meant to perform little circus tricks for our amusement; they are meant to swim miles and miles in the ocean and be free. I mean, how would you like to be ripped away from your family and then stuck in a tiny bathtub your whole life? Bloom said “There is  no justification for the continued captive display of orcas for entertainment purposes.” That’s the thing about the truth: you can’t un-hear it, no matter how much you wish you could. Luke Siller, a second year biotechnology student at Palomar College, said “the whales at SeaWorld live in non-natural conditions such as being held in a cramped dark tank until needed or even stripped of some of their teeth to protect the trainers.” So then we have to wonder, why did it take a documentary to make us see what we all knew was wrong? Michael, an analyst for the Department of Defense, said “SeaWorld was established as a haven for injured or displaced animals, reminiscent of a rehabilitation center (Conservation).” Like many others, I always assumed that all of the animals were rescued, so I was able to reason in my head that they were only in captivity because they weren’t fit to go back to the wild and they were having a great life performing and feeling better. But that is the façade, and exactly why this captivity of the animals has been going on for so long. As long as we can hold on to the lie, why question it? According to SeaWorld’s company spokesman, Fred Jacobs, SeaWorld has “assisted whales many times, including killer whales,” when they were lost or stranded. But as Kirby mentions in this article, “in at least three cases, SeaWorld seemed more interested in sending these orcas into a life of  captivity to entertain tourists, rather than releasing them back into the ocean.” That’s the problem. SeaWorld could keep us as pawns in their spiel because we never saw the aftermath to what they were doing. We just heard that they were helping the animals, and we felt good paying the overpriced park tickets and parking fees because we knew that it was all going back to the animals. image via So now that people are fighting back, what will this mean for the whales that are currently at SeaWorld? When I first saw Blackfish, I was pissed, and like many others, wanted the whales to be released immediately. People think that if the bill passes that all the whales will be set free, and this is sadly not the case. Seven of the ten whales currently at SeaWorld in San Diego were born in captivity and therefore would not be able to survive in the open sea. The best alternative for these whales would be a sea pen sanctuary that people would be allowed to visit, but no tricks would be performed. According to this article by Kirby, “As for the three wild-caught orcas, it could be that only one, Corky, is a viable candidate for releaseâ€"and even then, only after an intensive period of rehabilitation, in which she would need to relearn how to catch fish.” Corky is the main potential candidate because she still might remember her pod, which whales need to be in to survive. “The ‘Free Corky’ page  at Whale and Dolphin Conservation reads, ‘She visibly shook and vocalized poignantly when a tape recording of her familys calls were played to her in 1993,’” Kirby said. But what about the others? Would sea pens be the answer? “Realistically, the answer to the problem is to stop the breeding program and ensure that the animals are taken care of until the end of their lives,”  Michael said. So it could be argued that if SeaWorld were to agree to certain terms of agreement, that maybe it would be okay for them to keep the whales they have, but not capture or breed any more. image via Even though some people may fail to see it, these animals have feelings, a sense of self, are intelligent, and deserve to be treated as such. Cruelty ends now. Are you in?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Best Elementary Schools in Austin

5 Best Elementary Schools in Austin Starting a child’s education with a successful elementary education is imperative to a child’s scholastic success. We were interested in finding out about the top performing schools in Austin.After researching the best elementary schools in Austin we now have the concrete proof just how great they are. For our first ranking in our school district series, we’ll show you how we calculated the Texas Education Agency’s metrics from the most recent report (2014) to rank each school that met their standards. While the TEA Index is pretty comprehensive, Frog Tutoring decided to evaluate a couple additional factors in the study we found. The following methodology was used in calculation:STAAR Expectations (48%): When taking the STAAR test into consideration, we look at the percentage of students who met or exceeded the expectations of the test in a given year.TEA Index (48%): We utilized the Texas Education Agency’s 4 areas of academic excellence, which consist of Student Achieveme nt, Student Progress, Closing Performance Gaps, and Postsecondary Readiness.Class Size (2%): Student-to-teacher ratio is important for an individual’s learning, so we took this into consideration.Online Reviews (2%): We have weighted each school’s popularity score based on Facebook reviews, reviews, and reviews.If you’d like to see a more in-depth look at the TEA’s metrics for accountability standards, please click here. To determine a definitive ranking for the top elementary schools in Austin, we combined these 7 factors to create one number to compare and contrast the success of each elementary school.1. Casis ElementaryCasis Elementary School comes in at number one, with an 20:1 student-to-teacher ratio, and a school size of about 803. In the most recent report card from the Texas Education Agency, Casis was recognized in the following areas of distinction: Reading/ELA, Top 25% Student Progress, Top 25% Closing Perform Gaps, and Postseconda ry Readiness. Because of all of these distinctions, it’s no wonder that 82% of Casis students have met or exceeded the standards of the STAAR test.2. Highland Park ElementaryHighland Park Elementary School comes in at number two, with an 20:1 student-to-teacher ratio, and a school size of about 638. In the most recent report card from the Texas Education Agency, Highland Park was recognized in the following areas of distinction: Reading/ELA, Top 25% Student Progress, Top 25% Closing Perform Gaps, and Postsecondary Readiness. Because of all of these distinctions, it’s no wonder that 83% of Highland Park students have met or exceeded the standards of the STAAR test.3. Kiker ElementaryKiker Elementary School comes in at number three, with an 22:1 student-to-teacher ratio, and a school size of about 1019. In the most recent report card from the Texas Education Agency, Kiker was recognized in the following areas of distinction: Postsecondary Readiness, Social Studies, Science, and Re ading/ELA. Because of all of these distinctions, it’s no wonder that 79% of Kiker students have met or exceeded the standards of the STAAR test.4. Doss ElementaryDoss Elementary School comes in at number four, with an 20:1 student-to-teacher ratio, and a school size of about 917. In the most recent report card from the Texas Education Agency, Doss was recognized in the following areas of distinction: Reading/ELA, Science, Top 25% Student Progress, and Postsecondary Readiness. Because of all of these distinctions, it’s no wonder that 77% of Doss students have met or exceeded the standards of the STAAR test.5. Clayton ElementaryClayton Elementary School comes in at number five, with an 22:1 student-to-teacher ratio, and a school size of about 879. In the most recent report card from the Texas Education Agency, Clayton was recognized in the following areas of distinction: Reading/ELA and Top 25% Closing Perform Gaps. Because of all of these distinctions, it’s no wonder that 75% o f Clayton students have met or exceeded the standards of the STAAR test.Frog Tutoring Austin Tutors are proud to present the best elementary schools in Austin based on statistics released by the Texas Education Agency. Please share in the comments any personal experience that you have had in the Austin Independent School District!5 Best Elementary Schools in AustinCreate your own infographicsNote: We wanted to take a second to explain our methodology, and how we arrived at factoring in each area of success for our rankings. First, we made an extensive spreadsheet (which you can take a look at for yourself here), and collected all of the data that we needed for our results. Then we converted each factor into a percentage and multiplied that number by the percentage of how much it’s worth in our ranking system. Let’s look at an example: LASA High School’s TEA Index ranking is 318/400.318 / 400 = 79.50%Since this is 22% of our total, we used the percentage above to measure how much it’s worth in our ranking system. Which in this case is 22% of the total score.79.50 x .22 = 17.49%If you’d like to know more about this process, please contact our coordinator, Judith, at

Get Physical Chemistry For The Chemical Sciences PDF for a Better Understanding

Get Physical Chemistry For The Chemical Sciences PDF for a Better UnderstandingMany students do not understand that the primary areas in physical chemistry are being studied are the periodic table, the element relationships, the atomic structure and the most basic elements and ions. This book explains the chemistry topics you need to know to learn the subjects in a systematic manner. The physical chemistry textbook is a must-have for anyone interested in getting a master's degree in the area of chemistry.These books are easily available from online sellers at reasonable prices. Some sellers also offer discounts to their customers. This process of selling books has become the common practice in the present as more universities and colleges have started offering it. You can also look for the bookstores in your area that sell textbooks for chemistry to study at home.If you study chemistry at college or university, you will find that your understanding of the subjects will be diluted by studying many different textbooks for chemistry. The books at the college may differ in size, color and style. If you intend to get a degree in chemistry, you should make sure that you get a book that is the best suited for your learning process.These books are commonly available in e-books so that you can download them easily on your computer and work on them. The reason why this is effective is because you do not have to carry the books around. You can also search the internet to find the right book for your study process.You can get physical chemistry for the chemical sciences PDF from your local bookstore, from the internet, the library or you can order one directly from a seller. You can also use the search function on the internet to look for the most suitable seller and the product that you need. You will find it easy to compare the prices of different sellers and compare the products that they offer. You can also check their feedback to determine the seller's reliability.The best way to learn about physical chemistry is to get a book that is good enough to learn all the concepts of the subject matter. You need to make sure that the book provides you with the required information and that it presents the topic in a systematic manner. The next step is to choose the right study guide that will help you study the subject matter effectively.You can also check out reviews to find out if the book has been written by a professional and can be trusted. Check if the author has published many works on the same subject. A good book on physical chemistry is easy to read and is helpful in many ways. It helps you learn at your own pace and you can choose to study and comprehend the subject in your own time.

Chemistry Significant Figures Worksheet - Use Strategies to Make Sure That You Are Getting All the Way to the Goal

Chemistry Significant Figures Worksheet - Use Strategies to Make Sure That You Are Getting All the Way to the GoalThere are various ways in which you can do your Chemistry Significant Figures worksheet, there are different ways that you can organize it, and there are different strategies that you can employ. For each strategy that you want to employ, you have to identify the other strategies that will complement that strategy.First of all, you have to make sure that you are actually doing the Chemistry Significant Figures worksheet correctly. You have to make sure that you are following the strategy that you have chosen and following the guidelines and the conditions of your worksheet. Following these strategies and using these guidelines will ensure that you are actually accomplishing the goals that you have set for yourself.The most important thing that you should remember is that the goal is not just going to the next step, or even getting to the next step. The goal is just achiev ing the next step. The first step is to move onto the next step, then the next step, and so on.In order to accomplish this strategy, you need to first identify the different steps that you will be applying. Make sure that you identify the different steps that are going to be used throughout the strategy. You will find that the Strategy to follow is going to be quite difficult to learn because you will have to engage with the strategies in a particular order.You can use the strategies that you are going to employ while you are learning Chemistry Significant Figures, but when you get into actual practice, you will notice that you may actually have to improvise your strategy. So you have to ensure that you are doing your strategy in the right way.The problem is that it is very difficult to improvise a strategy that you have learnt in practical learning experience. So it is always better to stick to your strategy. This way, you are going to make sure that you are achieving the goal that you have set for yourself.You need to really pay attention to the fact that this is a big part of the strategy. In order to achieve the chemistry major that you have been pursuing, you need to stick to the strategy that you have followed. Making sure that you are following the strategy is really very important.

America Volunteer Tutoring

America Volunteer TutoringIf you are looking for a good chance to volunteer in Cincinnati then it is a good idea to look for America Volunteer Tutoring Cincinnati. This volunteer program provides you the chance to meet people from different backgrounds and experiences. It will also make you get more acquainted with the cultural nuances and various talents of the city that you visit on your daily stroll.The schedule of America Volunteer Tutoring Cincinnati is available on the internet and it also informs you about the other activities that you can participate in. You can start by registering yourself as a student in the classes which are required for the program. Then you can take classes in any field and also in some subjects which are related to the subject which you have chosen.This will help you have the liberty to participate in the activities that you like. There are many other classes and programs that you can take up. Some of them include Theology, Philosophy, Music, Arts, Bus iness and other arts related courses.It is important to know that America Volunteer Tutoring Cincinnati is a one time intensive program and you can't easily repeat it. After taking up the program you have to work hard for the whole time that you are engaged in the program. You will be required to offer your personal services to the organizations and provide them with the information regarding their issues.Many companies that are located in Cincinnati are looking forward to hiring America Volunteer Tutoring Cincinnati volunteers who will have the required skills. These professionals have the required skills and they are trained well. They are aware of the details of the organization and they can answer all the queries that they are required to have.All the necessary information is provided to you regarding the activities you are participating in and some of them will also provide you a list of the colleges that are close to your home. In the program you will have the liberty to atten d all the courses. In the course you will also get the opportunity to find out the colleges that offer great opportunities for the youth in the current state of the economy.America Volunteer Tutoring Cincinnati is not only available for the urban and the suburban youths. For the working adults, the program is also available for them. This program can also be helpful to your career.